baby 发表于 2003-3-15 02:01:00

我理想中的大学—— Harvard Medical School

Harvard Medical School is one of the world's preeminent institutions in medi
cal education and research. The breadth and depth of its scientific and clin
ical disciplines are unsurpassed. The School has nearly 8,000 faculty and 17
affiliated facilities.
At the core of the Medical School are its educational and research programs.
The student body is composed of 650 men and women in the MD program; 477 st
udents in the PhD program; and 132 in the joint MD-PhD programs, part of whi
ch is sponsored in collaboration with MIT. For its medical students, Harvard
has inaugurated the New Pathway curriculum, a problem-solving, case-method
approach to learning, offering the opportunity to come in contact with patie
nt cases early in their studies.
The Medical School has nine departments in basic and social science discipli
nes: Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Cell Biology, Genetics
, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Neurobiology, Pathology, Ambulatory C
are and Prevention, Health Care Policy, and Social Medicine.
The Medical School is the largest of Harvard's graduate faculties and has tr
aditionally been a trend-setter for many University-wide initiatives.

萧萧秋风 发表于 2003-3-15 02:07:00

my pool en!!

一只鸭子 发表于 2003-3-15 02:14:00

my god!

寒邪 发表于 2003-3-15 03:03:00

只是能解释一下医学项目是些什么吗??   不懂

屠龙宝宝 发表于 2003-3-15 21:18:00

如果按医学研究能力排名,哈佛排第一,但按医学基础医学排名哈佛只能和罗切斯特大学并列排第七,老大是华盛顿的大学 ~~
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